I'm very proud, excited, and terrified that this evil little book is going to be released into the world. Long Day Press has been wonderful to work with - this book is going to look stunning and I couldn't be happier. We'll do some type of release party/event in the coming months - will update soon. In the meantime, this collection of stories should be out at the beginning of September and you can pre-order directly from the press now! Follow the link here!
Hello, dear friends!
I'm excited to announce that I have a story that will be published in McSweeney's 61st issue! Pictured above is the beautiful cover by Sophy Hollington. I'm so thrilled and honored to have a story alongside the likes of Salvador Plascencia, who is one of my favorite writers! And Leah Hampton - really looking forward to reading her new collection! McSweeney's is one of my favorite lit mags so this is a dream to me. You can read more about this upcoming issue here! Welcome to my website! I will be posting updates and publication news here. Stay tuned! I hope that you are all doing well and are safe!